Stand Up For Science

Scientists around the country are about do something they’ve never done before: March. Nell GreenfielBoyce, Should Scientists March? U.S. Researchers Still Debating Pros and Cons, (Feb. 23, 2017). The March for Science will take place on April 22, in Washington, D.C., and other cities around the United States. Id. This protest is a way for scientists to take an important stand regarding public policies based on science. Id.

Some people say this march is extremely necessary with the new administration’s stance on science based policies. Id. Trump has appointed climate change deniers, met with anti-vaccination campaigners, and constantly cites false numbers and facts. Id. They see science as being under serious threat, and so taking a drastic stand is needed. Id.

Jacquelyn Gill, a paleoecologist at the University of Marine, and original organizer of the march states, “Our goal, really, is to bring people together in a strong unifying message that science is important to our citizens, it’s important to our nation, and that we are going to hold our elected representatives accountable to that.” Id. However, others worry the march will damage the reputation science has for being unbiased, and believe it is better for scientists to interact one-on-one with politicians with all different political affiliations. Id.