Stand Up For Science

Scientists around the country are about do something they’ve never done before: March. Nell GreenfielBoyce, Should Scientists March? U.S. Researchers Still Debating Pros and Cons, (Feb. 23, 2017). The March for Science will take place…

The Commercial Case for Planting Trees

Justin Adams, from the Nature Conservancy, has made a compelling economic case for regreening the earth and replenishing trees across the globe. In addition to the health benefits of planting trees in cities, which we have…

Pruitt as the New Head of the EPA

After an unsuccessful all-night debate staged by Senate democrats, Scott Pruitt was confirmed as the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Nathan Rott, Senate confirms Schoot Pruitt to Lead Environmental Protection Agency,, (Feb. 17,…

The Dakota Access Pipeline Continues

Recently, the Army granted the necessary permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline (“DAPL”). This comes after the project was halted in late 2016 so that further environmental impact statements could be made. Now, the Cheyenne River…

The New Energy Plan Under Trump

Trump states that his America First Energy Plan will, “unleash the full power of American energy, ending the job killing restrictions on shale, oil natural gas and clean, beautiful coal.” Jeff Brady, “America First Energy Plan…

The Power of Coastal Wetlands

Last week’s post was about the impact of Oil and Gas industries on Louisiana’s coastline. This week, we’ll focus on why coastal wetlands are so important, and how focusing on coastal wetland restoration can actually help…

Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight

If this dramatic switch in politics has made you feel like the world is about to end, you’re not the only one. Doomsday Clock Closest To Midnight Since 1954,, (Jan. 28, 2017). Last week the…

The Loss of Louisiana’s Coastline

The Louisiana coastline is losing almost a football field of land per hour to rising water and commercial activity, according to a state-commissioned report. In order to prevent further deterioration of the coastline, the report calls for…

Still Hope for the Clean Power Plan

Due to the new administration and lengthy legal battles, Obama’s Clean Power Plan is considered by many as over. Jennifer Ludden, As Obama Clean Power Plan Fades, States Craft Strategies to Move Beyond It, (Jan….

The True Costs of Food Waste

Fifty-two million tons of food are wasted by consumers each year, which is over 80% of all U.S. food waste. Food that goes to landfills breaks down in a heap without oxygen, producing methane, a gas with…