Regulating The Urban Environment Workshop
Center for Urban Environmental Reform Workshop:
Regulating the Urban Environment
June 26, 2012
A day-long dialogue on the special problems associated with regulating the urban environment. The workshop brought together scholars, activists and regulators for a comprehensive and inclusive examination of the very challenging legal and regulatory questions implicated by urban environmental law and environmental justice.
9:45 Breakfast and Arrival at the Law School (2 Court Square)
10:15 Welcome: Associate Dean Sarah Valentine
10:30 Explanation of the Project: Professor Rebecca Bratspies, Director CUNY Center for Urban Environmental Reform
10:45 Session I: The Social Construction of the Urban Environment
Presentation: Lindsay Campbell, US Forest Service NYC Urban Field Station
Followed by General Discussion
12:00 Lunch: Lecture by Michael Sorkin, Distinguished Professor of Architecture and Director of the Graduate Program in?? Urban Design at the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture (City College)
1:00 Session II: Unique Regulatory Challenges in a Densely Populated Urban Environment
Presentation: Robert Paaswell, Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the CUNY Institute for Urban?? Systems
Followed by General Discussion
2:20 Break
2:45 Session III: Environmental Democracy and Participatory Decisionmaking
Presentation: Arturo Garcia-Costas, DEC Office of Environmental Justice
Followed by General Discussion
4:00 Session IV: Wrap Up
?????????? Martin Melosi, Distinguished University Professor of History and Director of the Institute for Public History, University of Houston
Julie Sze, Professor of American Studies, UC Davis
Cecil Corbin-Mark, Deputy Director, WEACT
Sheila Foster, Albert A. Walsh Professor of Law, Co-Director Stein Center for Law & Ethics, Fordham School of Law